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  • Greybanner, Part 1: The History and People

Word of the Greybanner Grand Tournament spread far and wide. A tradition held once a decade, the fighting competition draws the finest independent warriors in the region, as well as opportunists with a skill for craftsmanship, medicine, and gambling. It is an explosion of activity in the small town. But not all are after fame or coin, and the meaning for the tournament lies not within the arena, but deep below. The roar of battle echoes down, rattling the chains of Greybanner’s oldest secret.

Taking a departure from our usual structure, we come to our second full adventure outline. This will focus on introducing a campaign through a focused setting and adventure that even amateur DMs can follow. Unlike our previous adventure through the Banahogg, this will follow the structure of official resources. We will begin in the titular town, with its background and key figures. Future entries will then cover the many locations and possible activities, the primary plot, and its fateful conclusion.

Running Greybanner and its Adventure

Greybanner and its associated adventure are designed as an entry point for new adventurers and campaigns. They begin with a structured introduction and character roles to bring the player characters together. The smaller adventures and investigations should continue to reinforce this before the core plot catalyzes them as an adventuring party. This gradual expansion of freedom within the game also serves to help you learn more steadily if you are inexperienced, as well as to help pace your planning in a manageable way.

The town and adventure are set in a forested region not far from the foot of a mountain range. Many aspects of the location and characters are necessary but we have kept much of it intentionally vague, as well as self-contained. This is to allow you to place it wherever fits best for your world. You can change many of the details and the surrounding region without impacting the core adventure, depending on your own setting (geographically, politically, etc.). Consider what else you want nearby and what you plan to potentially happen beyond this adventure’s conclusion.

Part of this means separating the story into two sections. The first will cover the commonly known and accepted history of the town. The adventure itself will contain a second, secret layer to the history and purpose of the arena. Players will uncover this throughout the adventure. This means that you are free to use the town as it appears, without the associated plot. If you plan to use both, the adventure’s introduction will cover the secret differences in the town’s history and characters.

The History of Greybanner

Greybanner is a self-sufficient town resting at the base of a wide mountain range to its east. It has almost always existed as such, never drawing much attention in the political landscape. The same cannot be said of its significance to would-be warriors and mercenaries. Many hopeful combatants venture from the nearby hamlets to make a name in the arena.

The Founding of the Grey Banner

Wonderdraft Map Icons, tokens
Greybanner is surrounded by mountains, forests, and open plains. Our Wonderdraft World Map Assets pack has everything you need to quickly construct a map and show players. Download it here.

The arena at Greybanner’s center was the seed from which the town grew. Detailed recountings are hard to come by, as the bandit and mercenary bands that founded the settlement were not the types to keep written records. What is known is that the region was once split between three distinct factions. These groups were continuously vying for land, resources, and power over the others, though none ever held the advantage for long. It was a stalemate of consistent bloodshed that lasted an entire generation.

Eventually, a summit was called between the leaders: Gorim Steinsson, of the eastern mountains’ Reavers; Alessia, ‘the Thorn’ of the southern Bramblejade forest; and Vincent MacHale, leader of the Gallows’ Sons Mercenary Company to the north. These commanders came together at the intersection of their territories. After days of argumentative discourse, they came to a simple agreement: they would take a note from the lordship and settle their conflicts with duels rather than attacks and skirmishes. The same intersection would serve as the meeting point and a no man’s land enforced by all three sides. In its center would be a fighting pit in which their champions would face one another. To symbolize its neutrality, the meeting place would display no affiliation or loyalty to any side. Instead, it would only fly a blank, grey banner.

This grey-bannered arena slowly drew interest from many of the factions’ allies and third parties. Opportunistic merchants and craftsmen made their way to the area, establishing businesses and trade to support the fighters. Traveling carts became stalls, then stores and homes. The common interest and growing unaffiliated population slowly blurred the lines between what were once enemies, many of whom integrated into the fledgling town. Occasional fights to settle disagreements became more about sport and entertainment. Meanwhile, the surrounding area was peaceful, even cooperative, and its prosperity drew similar attention.

The Duel of the Founders

Stirrings in the capital brought a momentary lapse in this peace. As surrounding lordships expanded, the residents of the arena found themselves needing to take action or risk facing larger, organized forces. Without the ability to fight for their land, the solution to this came from MacHale, whose family had old ties to the court. These connections had never interested him in the past but would allow MacHale to lay claim to the land as its peoples’ leader and commander. Doing so, however, would strip Steinsson and Alessia of any recognizable power. And though they no longer saw each other as enemies, the three knew there was only one way to settle the dispute that would satisfy both themselves and their people.

The battle is said to have been both the arena’s longest and most silent. The audience’s cheers exhausted long before the fighters, who continued into the night and following morning. These recountings are likely exaggerated, though the result is known. The sun reached its peak and MacHale stood victorious. His final words before collapsing, unconscious, were to honor his opponents and their alliance. He named the town ‘Greybanner’ as a reminder of this and reassurance to the people. After his recovery, MacHale traveled to the capital, later returning as Lord MacHale of Greybanner.

The Town of Greybanner

The MacHales continued to rule over Greybanner for generations, though they slowly grew more disconnected from the town. This first meant the creation of the MacHale Estate to the north. Eventually, the family relocated to the capital entirely. While they still claim ownership of the land, Greybanner’s governance was handed over to a town council. This group of officials consisted of five influential individuals. Each member would serve to represent and lead a distinct portion of Greybanner’s operations. The election process, along with a latent resentment for the nobles that collect taxes from afar, grants the council a level of trust and fondness from the community.

Greybanner is blessed with plentiful lumber and mining in the east and farmlands to the west, allowing it to function self-sufficiently. This caught the eye of the Silvercrown Mining Company, which quickly became a key factor in the town’s development. These industries also work to support the arena, which remains the primary draw for tourists and travelers. No longer used to settle disputes, the Greybanner Arena hosts multiple festivals and celebrations, as well as the yearly tournament. These festivities bring commerce from the surrounding farms and towns and are often the buzz of warriors the world over. Once every ten years, a Grand Tournament draws the decade’s champions and any who might face them, with the victor earning the title ‘Champion of Greybanner’.

The town’s culture revolves around these rotating events. This has lead to a constantly shifting population as different faces come and go, with the core, permanent residents numbering relatively few for a town of its size. They are close-knit but accommodating of visitors. What dislike they harbor for nobility is disguised in order to take their coin, while fighters and aids to the arena are welcomed warmly. This has prevented the townsfolk from becoming insular and helps maintain a positive relationship with the neighboring settlements, most of which are similarly remote farming towns. The region is quiet and peaceful, interrupted only by the roar of the arena.

Poacher's Crest RPG Town Map, banner
Looking for additional information about how to plan and develop a town in your world? Head on over to our previous article, ‘How to Design a Town‘. We cover the various steps in creation, to help you easily make a settlement that is realistic and engaging for players.

The People of Greybanner

As tournaments approach, the people of Greybanner are inundated with traveling challengers, merchants, and companies all arriving to participate in or profit from the tournament. There is little hostility between the townsfolk and their visiting patrons. Rather, their arrival signals a time of prosperous trade and celebration for the town. For those who might overstep or seek combat outside the arena walls, a militia is maintained by the residents. This time also means a transition in the local mining and lumber companies as their priorities shift towards supporting the arena and the production of wares that can be sold. The town puts on its best face for its visitors. Even those that deeply dislike the gold-laden tourists are happy to put on a show and relieve them of their coin.

Greybanner Council

The five members of the Greybanner Council are elected to manage the town’s primary operations. These include the mines and lumber yard, the craftsmen, as well as an arena master. The first two run the respective businesses as any owner would, while also sitting on the council due to the importance of their commerce and resources to Greybanner. They work closely with the various craftsmen, one of whom acts as a councilman. The arena master controls all operations within and around the arena while also overseeing the town’s militia. Finally, a fifth seat is granted to the ‘mayor’, who acts as the face of the town in political relations and contact with the current Lord MacHale. Despite the name, all five hold equal sway within the council.

The duties of the council consist mostly of delegation and management. Their close relationship with fellow townsfolk means that they are trusted and able to lead with little resistance. Meetings mostly consist of monthly updates and planning for festivities in order to keep the town functioning cohesively, with major votes and changes being rare. Outside of council meetings, the members fulfill their roles within their respective businesses. Despite obvious personal biases, the council maintains civil internal relationships and do not interject into each others’ dealings. This comes from a combination of favoring the peace and prosperity of Greybanner, as well as them being public faces in a small town where everyone knows them. If public opinion were to turn on them, their position in the town would not last.

There is noticeable stress present in the council, however, particularly as tournaments approach. This hits a peak with every Grand Tourney, with many council members relinquishing their position shortly after, citing the pressure of the job. Many even leave the town. Those that don’t will often continue until their age necessitates it. Strangely, regardless of their choice, council members tend to exhibit noticeably dour and more focused behaviors. Most will grow reclusively distant within their duties post-Tournament. This is the most common reason for retirement, though it is not unheard of for a councilman to be removed and replaced by someone under them.

Mayor Albert Trivellan

Albert Trivellan

Albert Trivellan (NG male human noble) is the most recent mayor of Greybanner, elected not long after the last Grand Tournament. He was chosen, when his predecessor resigned, due to his contribution to the tournament’s festivities as its announcer, as well as the community’s general fondness for him. While not the most intelligent man, his ability to discern and manipulate a crowd’s mood extends to individuals, granting him a skill for negotiation. This allowed him to achieve the position of mayor only several years after arriving in Greybanner. He has held the seat for almost a decade.

The title of ‘mayor’ is mostly a formality, necessary to placate the capital. Albert’s true role is as the master of commerce. It falls to him to manage the movement of coin throughout the town, as well as securing trade with those nearby. He excels in the role, though his true enjoyment is in dealing with nobility. His time prior to arriving in Greybanner included visits to many noble courts, earning him experience uncommon to the residents of the town and its region. He seems to delight in their games and schemes, playing a part that no one else in the town is willing to. Whether he shares their disdain and is merely wearing a mask, is yet to be discovered.

Albert is an excitable and exuberant man whose soft features display a life of comfort. He keeps himself clean and presentable, with a wide smile that distracts from both his perceptiveness and political acuity. He relishes his position and the simplicity it affords him. As mayor, Albert spends his working life liaising with the MacHales and nearby towns, interacting with the people, and joyfully preparing for whichever festivity is next approaching.

Personality Traits. Albert’s skills are with people. He is often the first face a visiting group will see, insisting on greeting new arrivals to offer directions and answer questions. He is happiest as the center of attention and seeks to make everyone around him comfortable. This leads to him being liked, though not always respected.

Ideal. Celebrations and happiness are what life is about. Albert believes that his purpose is to keep people cheering and he revels in the praise he receives for doing so.

Bond. The mayor’s first loyalty is to his own reputation. Public perception is Albert’s greatest concern and is at the core of most of his decisions.

Flaw. Albert’s drive to please everyone can lead him to panic when his plans fall apart. If a crowd is turning against him, he will do everything in his power to win them back, quickly growing desperate and acting rashly.

Erwin Redmane, Master of the Arena

Erwin Redmane

Once a fighter, Erwin Redmane (LN male human gladiator) is nearing his second Grand Tourney as the master of the arena, a position he took shortly after being crowned the youngest Champion in Greybanner’s history. The vote to elect him was unanimous. Redmane’s duties now consist of keeping the arena in working order and organizing those that wish to fight. He also oversees and represents the town’s militia in council matters. He is not a man for diplomacy or leadership, yet he pours himself into his work and would never relinquish the position. No one else is as uniquely suited for the role.

Redmane has little in way of relationships outside of his work, happy to let the Mayor deal with all of the arena’s front-facing issues. This allows his practical, utilitarian mind to focus on the pure function and efficiency of the arena. He believes his detachment to be a strength, as his workers view him as a commander rather than a friend. Likewise, a total lack of negotiability makes him unquestionable in both the council and for combatants looking to gain an edge before their bout. This attitude has lead to many disputes with those that are unaccustomed to dealing with him. The most recent have centered around the Master Craftsman’s latest, more outlandish ideas. Anyone looking to exploit the arena or interfere with his work will find Erwin Redmane to be an iron wall.

Erwin bears the scarred body of a warrior, never letting himself become complacent in a bureaucratic life. Drunken whispers spread rumors that his size descends from the half-giant Reavers, though his life before his arrival in the arena remains his own secret. A thick mess of hair and knotted beard explain the origin of his name and give further mystery to his past. One would never ask him, of course, for simple fear of having to face such a towering figure, never seen without a degree of armor. Even if someone were to try, Erwin would simply defer them to an assistant or subordinate.

Personality Traits. Redmane has no skill with words but makes up for it with sheer discipline and force of presence. He is a blunt, direct man with no patience for those that would attempt to deceive or manipulate him. His pleasure comes from results, both in keeping Greybanner safe and seeing that the arena is the best it can be.

Ideal. Greybanner’s repute hinges on the Arena and would crumble without it. Keeping it functional is Erwin’s goal. It is simple, but something he takes pride in.

Bond. Despite a gravelly exterior, Redmane is fiercely loyal to the town and his men. He repays their respect as any good commander would and ensures the safety of anyone below him.

Flaw. Redmane’s singular focus makes him obstinate on his best days. The arena is his and he knows what’s best for it. Even his longest-serving lieutenants find him difficult to sway, once his mind is made up.

Eva Cinderbrow, Master Craftsman

Eva Cinderbrow

As Master Craftsman, Eva Cinderbrow (CN female gnome noble) is the most recent addition to the council, having taken the seat after her predecessor and mentor, August Copperkeel, left town without a word. She quickly saw to establish herself, replacing many of August’s practices with her own. The necessary crafting of everyday supplies and weaponry and armor for the arena continue, but Eva has brought an excitement for experimentation that had never before been seen in a Master Craftsman. Many attribute this to the years she spent away from Greybanner, learning tinkering skills that August never could.

Much of this advancement has come in the form of traps and mechanisms in the arena, all of which have earned the foreseeable ire of Erwin Redmane. Her passion has led to the two coming to odds numerous times, though the other council members frequently favor Eva’s suggestions over Erwin’s wish for the arena to remain unchanged. This hostility has never dissuaded the tinkerer, whose passion for creation seems immune to criticism. She leaves the mundane work to her colleagues and spends the majority of her time developing new, increasingly chaotic ideas. The many smiths and carpenters seem to appreciate this dynamic. Even in the dark of night, nearby residents can make out the sounds of hammering and small explosions from Eva’s workshop.

Similar to her counterpart in the arena, many keep a distance from Eva and the dangers of her creations. Her energetic, risk-taking character is a stark contrast from most of the quiet residents of Greybanner. This gives her the freedom to continue pushing herself and advancing. The council is content to grant her this freedom, as she has only increased the productivity of her workers since her election. They, in turn, appreciate her leadership. Eva acts as a forceful, fiery representative who is viciously against bureaucratic oversight. As long as the craftsmen are effective, they can keep to their work and Eva to hers, and the council doesn’t have to get involved in either.

Eva’s strength and size give her a tinkering finesse unlike any other in Greybanner. She constantly sports the leathers, tools, and ash of her workshop, with only the grin of a hyperactive mind peeking through below matted brown hair. When outside of her corner of town, Eva is mostly seen rushing to harass Redmane about a new trap or weapon for the arena. She is not averse to conversation but rarely has time for it. That is unless one asks Eva about her creations, when she will gleefully show off the many intricate designs and devices she has stored away.

Personality Traits. Eva bristles with unending energy, never stopping or speaking for long. Her fast-moving and chaotic nature often lead to people labeling her as dangerous or insane, though she has never cared for others’ opinions of her. She is not unfriendly or unkind, but simply has better things to be doing.

Ideal. Discovery and innovation are at the core of Eva Cinderbrow. She continually seeks to improve past creations and push beyond the bounds of what she can, and often should, create.

Bond. Eva’s love for her creations cannot be understated. They are her mark on this world. If one is ever damaged or broken, she will attempt to recreate it without its previous weakness.

Flaw. Eva is prideful and impatient, believing few other people to be worth her time. Why bother speaking to someone if they do not have something for her to learn to discover?

Gelbris Ivarsson, Head of the Greybanner Lumberyard

Gelbris Ivarsson

A lifelong town resident, Gelbris Ivarsson (NG male dwarf veteran) is the current head of the lumberyard, one of Greybanner’s two major industries, and therefore also a member of the town council. He was initially reluctant to take the role but eventually relented to the urging of the other workers. Prior to his election, Gelbris was simply another lumberer, hardworking and popular among his compatriots. This had earned him their fondness and respect as one of them, making him an obvious choice once the time came for his predecessor to retire.

Gelbris is known throughout Greybanner and trusted as a representative for the common people, having lived his entire life within its confines. He began his work in the lumberyard as soon as he was strong enough, and was content to do so for the remainder of his life. It was these simple ideals, as well as an enduring work ethic, that led to his nomination by those around him. In the eight years since he took the role, Gelbris has never quite adjusted to its responsibilities. He frequently visits the previous councilman, Davis Gren, for reassurance and advice, often second-guessing his own decisions in council meetings. This does not stem from a lack of ability, as Gelbris’s honesty and genuine care for his neighbors is a welcome counter to many of the other leaders.

A hard-working and likeable man, Gelbris has never had need for Redmane’s scowl or Trivellan’s exaggerated smile. He is strong and proudly displays the tan and wear from a life of difficult labour, prefering plain clothing and only making a haphazard attempt at presentability when a meeting or festival calls for it. The majority of his time is spent within the lumberyard or forest, working alongside his men. When night falls, he often accompanies them for food and drinks at the Fighter’s Flagon, a local tavern. At least once a week he will instead go to Gren’s house, discussing events and issues over a friendly meal.

Personality Traits. Gelbris is an honest man who values honest work and little else. He dislikes the manipulation and maneuvering of courts, preferring people to be open and direct. This can put him at odds with the council, even Redmane, who believes him to be too accommodating of others.

Ideal. The heart of a community is everyone working towards its betterment. Gelbris puts everything he has into making Greybanner better and expects others to do the same.

Bond. Gelbris has a simple love for his town. He is a friend to the people and will frequently go out of his way to help them, even to his own detriment.

Flaw. His loyalty to Greybanner and inexperience in leadership can lead Gelbris to naively overlook its uglier sides, as well as to harshly judge those that he suspects might be trying to take advantage of the town.

Mariana Harkness, Head of the Silvercrown Mining Company

Mariana Harkness

The icy Mariana Harkness (NE female human noble), like her lumberyard counterpart, holds a seat on the council due to her control of a major company in the town. She willfully ascended into the role some fifteen years ago not through an election, but simply by being the next in command to the previous owner. An unfortunate collapse claimed his life during the inspection of an old tunnel. Mariana swiftly filled the vacuum left behind. The implication was clear, though she has only ever answered accusations with a wry, knowing smile.

The Silvercrown Company is unique in Greybanner as a private company with a deciding role in its commerce. The eastern mines’ production of iron and silver are paramount to the arena’s construction and function, as well as supplying the craftsmen. This has been the case since Greybanner was first named. The absence of Steinsson’s leadership allowed them to strike an exclusive deal for previous Reaver territory. Greybanner has relied on it ever since.

Mariana has made use of this to ensure herself power on two fronts. She enjoys a position of distanced leadership over the mines, building a fortune for herself with minimal personal interaction. Meanwhile, her role on the council guarantees the ability to undermine any change that might impede her personal goals. This combination has allowed her to act with impunity, hiring additional, third-party workers to clear one of the mines’ old, exhausted tunnels. Suspiciously, the pathway is the same one that claimed her predecessor’s life. It now stands as one of the few direct paths through the mountains. Many suspect Mariana to be using the tunnel for smuggling, earning further coin on the side. She has never been investigated, a fact owed either to a series of greased palms or simply fear of Mariana herself.

Mariana is a tall woman whose sharp features are outdone only by her gaze. She is a master of her craft, with ruthless tact and experience in wielding power that frequently leads to her butting heads with other council members. This is worsened by her disregard for anyone beneath her. Her clear results balance her outlook, as she is willing to overstep bounds that others are not. Mariana exudes pride and control in every interaction. Her tightly braided black hair and expensive yet practical clothing act as warnings to anyone considering approaching her.

Personality Traits. Mariana Harkness is an unapologetically devious and selfish leader. She makes no effort to disguise the fact that her actions are always for personal gain, almost daring those around her to challenge her. Few try, as it takes only a brief glance to see that her mind is already several steps ahead.

Ideal. Mariana desires power and control above all else. She will do anything to achieve it and does not care what it costs others, or what they think of her.

Bond. Her position and fortune are what Mariana values the most. She has spent her life reaching where she currently sits and will spend the rest of her days seeing just how much higher she can climb.

Flaw. Greed is Mariana’s greatest weakness, and she knows it. She hoards gold, power, and anything else that places her above the common rabble, and believes that her position and fortunes put her above common laws and morality. If someone disagrees, all it takes is to determine their price.

All of our tokens come from our own Token Editor. You can use it to make your own, or download one of our premade packs…

Overview of Greybanner

Greybanner is home to roughly four hundred people at any one time. The center of town houses the council and many of the larger, permanent businesses, while many more homes extend into the forest and countryside around it. Farmsteads cover the fields to the north and west all the way to other towns, connecting settlements and fostering travel and trade between them. In addition to permanent residents, Greybanner also has a constantly shifting population of caravans and travelers. The number of visitors falls and rises in accordance with the many festivals and tournaments, with the upcoming Grand Tourney bustling the streets and surrounding land with all manner of new faces.

The town’s local populace is approximately half human, with the other half consisting of elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes. Visiting fighters and traders often bring more variety, also relative to the size of the event. These additions are not unwelcome, though some might receive errant glances. Dragonborn, tieflings, and half-orcs draw particular curiosity, mostly due to their abilities often making for more interesting shows in the arena. The opinions of other visitors can be unpredictable, though the militia stands ready for if they attempt to act on any prejudice.

Mercantile Tokens, rpg virtual table top
Decorating for the Grand Tourney is easy with our Mercantile Tokens. You can find them here, and then set up all the store and stalls for players to peruse!

The energy in town grows as the Grand Tournament approaches. An air of excitement fills the streets as more and more trade stalls are set up, each calling out embellished reasons for their stock being better than the next. The people of Greybanner are at their busiest, though most enjoy the anticipation of money and celebration. Miners and lumberers cheer over the workload shifting to the craftsmen. On the outskirts of town, tension is rising amongst hopeful fighters who are all nervously comparing themselves to each other. Conversely, the town council is hidden away in their duties, scarcely speaking to anyone outside their ranks as they hurriedly prepare. They all wear an expression of cold focus. The exception is Albert Trivellan, who darts through the streets shaking hands with a warm, welcoming liveliness.

Law and Order

Greybanner’s Lord leaves the town largely to self-govern, rarely stepping into its affairs. Disputes between landowners or traders are the most common disruption and are primarily settled by the necessary council members or brought before the entire council when necessary. Major crimes are uncommon, likely owing to the town’s size and location. On the occasion that one occurs, the council hold a trial and deliver a verdict. Minor crimes most often lead to fines or time spent working within the arena to clean and maintain it, while violent crimes require imprisonment in a set of cells beneath the arena. The prison is not fit to hold prisoners for extended sentences, so they are usually transfered to a larger city or the capital before long.

Town Militia

An example of a basic militiaman, in uniform.

Most of the mine and lumber workers in town, as well as anyone else willing, receive training to act as militia. This training includes two years of mandatory service as residents reach adulthood, after which they continue to act as reserves for the permanent militia force, which itself numbers around a dozen. The need for them most often arises leading up to and during events. Militia members wear chain shirts and leathers and wield a spear and shield. A grey sash or tabard mirrors the town’s banners. Their key duty is to patrol the borders and streets of the town in pairs, monitoring any caravans or camps nearby. They are led by Captain Emory Ashbrand, who reports directly to Erwin Redmane.

The scarcity of crime and unlikelihood of attack means that the Greybanner militia function primarily as a deterrent. Even those new to town understand the training that most residents have received, creating the perception of a dense guard presence. Larger events will often see mercenary companies visit the town, offering their services as temporary soldiers. The culture surrounding the arena aids in this. Many fighters will return each year for the tournaments, fostering loyalty and honor between themselves and for the town. As such, they will often act as unofficial additions to the militia should they see someone trying to prey upon other festival-goers. While pickpockets, scam artists, and other petty criminals still appear, this all helps to prevent any violence outside of the arena.

Commerce and Trade

The majority of Greybanner’s commerce is directed inwards. This suits the town, allowing the people to continue their traditions without drawing the eyes of gold-hungry nobles. Most of the town’s raw resources come from the lumberyard and mines. These companies are used to support the town and arena, as well as being traded to nearby settlements. This grants them access to additional food from the region’s farms, as well as leather and other crafting supplies. The lumberyard and mines also act as Greybanner’s backbone when the arena is not in use, with shipments transported to larger cities to generate coin during these quiet periods.

Greybanner’s primary source of coin has always been the Greybanner Arena. Cycling seasonal events and yearly tournaments draw crowds from much further than just the surrounding region. Tourists, fighters, and merchants flock to the festivities, bringing their coin and wares that could never be found locally. The town then profits through entry fees and trade tariffs. This creates a system of planned economic influxes that the residents are familiar with working around. Local merchants have developed numerous ways to personally benefit from celebratory tourists by selling personalized wares, local produce, and arena-themed memorabilia. In the time between these events, the emphasis shifts back to mining, logging, and preparing for the next festival.

The most recent addition to Greybanner’s trade is the personal dealings of Mariana Harkness. Her private smuggling through the eastern mountains has allowed the importing of wares and commodities otherwise unavailable. These then draw the attention of various nobles and traders coming from the east. Deals are carried out through her private connections, either disguised in the bustle of an event or in nearby towns. By doing so, Mariana is able to bring in coin that is unaffected by local tariffs or the MacHale’s taxes. Small contributions also seem to appear in town coffers, buying Mariana the freedom to continue her endeavors unimpeded.

What’s Next

And that is Greybanner’s history and key faces. Our next section will go into detail about the different locations in and around the town, as well as many of the other residents. Until then, feel free to read through our other articles and handbooks, and let us know what you think! Much of this article came from what I learned in writing the Banahogg, and I always appreciate the feedback. Tell us what you loved, what you hated, or any other thoughts you might have!

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About the author

Troy McConnell

Part-time DM and author of 2-Minute Tabletop's encounters, map lore, and characters. Basically, I write about all the campaign ideas that I don't have time to run. All with the assistance of my feline familiar, Wink.

You can support my writing efforts on Patreon.

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