Tournament Under the Grey Banner: Introduction

The first step in the arena-centric adventure. Learn Greybanner’s secret history, create your party, and give them an exciting introduction to the town!

Tournament Under the Grey Banner: Introduction

Greybanner, Part 3: The Greybanner Region

Mountains, rocky plains, and a blighted forest surround Greybanner. What dangers and adventures might your players find as they explore?

Greybanner, Part 3: The Greybanner Region

Greybanner, Part 2: Locations in Town

Hundreds flock to Greybanner in preparation for the Grand Tournament. Once open streets are quickly populated by stalls and carts, and merchants’ voices begin to fill the air. The outskirts of town see camps and caravans arrive. Hopeful warriors share glances of anticipation as they size up their competition. The residents of the town move

Greybanner, Part 2: Locations in Town

Greybanner, Part 1: The History and People

A guide to the town of Greybanner, its history, and council. Who will your party befriend, and who will become their enemy?

Greybanner, Part 1: The History and People