At the end of an icy stream looms an enormous skull of stone. Very few dare approach it, and those that do are changed…

This map was an exercise with some new pens. The thick lines made drawing easy, but coloring more difficult. Next month I want to try some extra-thin lines to compare.
It took me a long time to find a color scheme that I liked, but I’m glad that I kept meddling. If you’d prefer something warmer, check out the Patron-exclusive tropical variant!
This map serves as a good entrance for any old dungeon or cave map, especially icy ones. Perhaps I will draw a specialized interior? If so, what do you imagine is in there? Let me know in the comments. 🙂
EDIT: Sam Brown has written another of his excellent map primers. Find the PDF in the ZIP download, it’s great food for the imagination!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, thanks to our generous supporters. If you would like to use this map commercially, please contact me 🙂
This cave is free to download thanks to Patrons such as:
Owen Eli Cook, Patrick O’Hagan, Nicholas O’Sullivan, Jain Deaux, Matt C. @mc_momo. Sam Wise, dmslayer, Felix Jongleur, Stephon Mikell, Chris Logan. Joel McKinnon @joeliemckinnon, Dantemagnum, Ronin, Edwin Bryer, Brian Barron. Ty Hajduk, Jeanette OB, Joel Quadko McIntyre, Tyrian @its_tyrian, Cansin Akcasoy. Joshua Renz, Austin Auclair, Sam Mean Man, James Ball, eddy zrout. Jeff Sorensen @DelugeIA, Ian Sheridan @iansheridan, Rickard Thernlund, evilhomer10 @evilhomer10, Wilhelm Lehnhardt @3mporio. Julien Therrien, Poptard, Maxime Durocher, Matthew Kammes, Maciej Stachowiak. Tyler Crompton, m00am, Nick Fraker @ikaruwa, RoninDude, Tiana. Dawnbright, FreedomXIII, Jake Raiju, Elliott Uribe, Steffen Bensch. Michael Leimenmeier, Tad Bumcrot, soren, Bruce McDonald, Justin Hunter. Hugh, Caleb Longshanks Lee, Jonathan Petersen, Sheila Motter-Schuk, Allin Knight. Taylor Eubanks, Jamieson Mockel, Calvin Clark, Clay, Stephen Perkins. Dylan Bender, Arcknight @arcknightgames, Jordan Baker, TheAussieBrit, Justin Foster. Miles Grubbs, Aidan G, Brandon, Taylor Worthington, Amanda Fensch. Cristhian Vargas, Berringer, Benjamin Busseniers, Ievgen Kharabet, Kristina Coker. Jonathan Streeter, Wim, Bill Underwood, Mike Elston, Jesse Bethke. Seyren Windsor, Joe Brooks, Daniel Kolev, Jonathan Marlow, Michael Greenly. Ian Rawley, Blair, Jonathan Climas, Broc Abrams, Weekendswitch. Zavier Aguila, Lewis Payea, Morten Sunde, James Kerr, Mariana Hernandez @marianahernz. Kyle Sternad, YUM-O, Nathaniel Hodges, Zach Perez, Andrew Smith. Reggie Smith @TheFifthsWord, nodworthy, James Doutney, Jim Powers, RupertG @diceofdoom. Trent Orme, Patrick Flanagan, Serf, David Wright, Re0FM, Austin Whynot. John Feiler, Jessica Bonham, Carlin Kubenka, Dermot McLaughlin, James MacKenzie. Kirill Brigadnov, Zach Shallbetter @zachshallbetter, Jay, Jam Flex, Kirill Corte. Echo Hatcher @echosgecko, and all my other wonderful Patrons!