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  • Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer
Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer - Banner - Large B

The Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer is a mostly system-neutral General Goods Store setting built to be dropped into your campaign at a moment’s notice, complete with characters, backstories, your choice of adventure tangents, and price guide!

A charming little building catches your eye. Its bay window, projecting outward, offers a glimpse of the wares within – a colorful assortment of canvas and leather rucksacks, alongside sturdy wood and metal chests. A flicker of movement within suggests someone is minding the store. The wooden door swings inward with a soft tinkle of a bell, and you step into a cool, dim space. The air is thick with the mingled scents of worked leather, preservation oils, and a faint undertone of lavender.

Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer

For generations, the Wilburs’ shop has served as the heart of the village’s adventuring community. Known far and wide as a place where seasoned adventurers and stay-at-homes alike can find what they need. While the years are beginning to tell on the building’s once-sturdy frame, its spirit remains undimmed.

Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer - Additional Banner 4

Key Occupants

Mr Wilbur

Store Owner, Salesman, Male Human

Elderly, bushy gray mustache & eyebrows, balding, with warm brown eyes. 5ft. 5″, gentle roundness softening a once-muscular frame

You push open the door, catching a glimpse of the shopkeeper’s ample backside as he rummages through a crate behind the counter. As the bell above the door chimes, the shopkeeper, startled, straightens up with a loud crunch. He rubs his back gingerly, a sharp groan indicating he had straightened far too quickly. “Blast it all!” he mutters, “These old bones just aren’t what they used to be!” Despite the sudden jolt, he flashes you a comforting, grandfatherly smile. “Welcome, welcome! What brings you fine folk to my humble store?”

Wallace Wilbur, an immigrant from a distant land, began his business with his fiancée, Willow. Together, they wheeled a cart laden with exotic goods and helpful equipment, seeking a place to settle. Their wares, with their unique charm, quickly captivated the locals, and within a month, Wallace had sold his entire stock. With the profits and a generous loan, he built “Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer,” a store filled with a diverse array of tools and adventuring supplies. He relied on traveling messengers to order goods from his homeland, ensuring a steady stream of intriguing items.

Wallace and Willow remained childless, devoting their lives to the store for four decades. Sadly, Willow succumbed to illness, leaving Wallace heartbroken & with a store to maintain. Recognizing his need for assistance, a regular customer introduced Wallace to his awkward nephew, Jack Fidget. Wallace hired Jack to help manage the store, and Jack, with a mixture of clumsy enthusiasm and hesitant responsibility, now assists Mr Wilbur in his own, unique way.


  • New faces
  • Honesty and sincerity
  • Being able to fulfill the needs of a customer


  • When he is unable to provide the wares a customer requires
  • Nothing else, he possesses a selfless kindness and an unwavering belief in the best of humanity

Jack “Junior” Fidget

Shop Assistant, Male Human

Teenager, windswept brown hair, pimply complexion, bright blue eyes. 6ft. 1″, slim and gangly-looking

The peaceful atmosphere of the shop is abruptly shattered by the sound of breaking glass, followed by a high-pitched “Aw geez!”. Near the back, a gangly teenager, his face dotted with pimples, is frozen in place and staring in dismay at a pile of broken glass. The boy’s lanky frame seemed to fold in on itself, his awkwardness accentuated by his desperate grip on the broom.

Jack Fidget’s kindness was undeniable, a quality that initially endeared him to others. Yet, his own insecurities and awkwardness often proved a barrier to lasting friendships. Undeterred, Jack found happiness in his own world, exploring nature, catching frogs, and losing himself in books. Finding employment had always been a daunting prospect to Jack, so he was immensely grateful when his uncle found him a job at Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer. Mr. Wilbur, recognizing Jack’s well-meaning heart despite the occasional mishap, values him as an employee and a person.


  • Being alone
  • Fishing
  • Reading


  • Socially overwhelming situations
  • Being relied on
  • Obligations

Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer - Additional Banner B


Mr. Wilbur Needs Repairs Done on His Store. A noticeable decline in the shop’s upkeep suggests something is amiss. The reason behind this becomes clearer upon learning of Mr. Wilbur’s recent loss. (True; The shop could use a bit of TLC, and Mr. Wilbur is happy to compensate anyone with the skills to lend a hand. It’s a good opportunity for the party to earn some pocket money while they’re between quests.)

Jack’s Bully. Jack sports a few scrapes, likely a result of his usual clumsiness. However, a nearly faded black eye hints at something more troubling. (True; Jack has been tormented by a bully since his school days, and even now, as adults, the abuse continues whenever they meet. This bully has even targeted Mr. Wilbur’s store a few times, perhaps it is time they were taught a lesson?)

Highway Bandits. Mr. Wilbur’s last shipment never arrived, could they be late or could it be something more sinister? (True; Highwaymen intercepted the wagon, leaving the delivery crew brutally beaten and barely alive. They remain at the scene, clinging to consciousness amidst the wreckage.)

Wares of the Wandering Wayfarer Inventory


Abacus2 gpA standard tool used to make calculations.
Amulets5 gpA collection of various amulets bearing different holy symbols, representing a god or pantheon.
Armor, LightVariousA small selection of basic armor suitable for the casual or lightweight adventurer. See your chosen book for stats/pricing.
Arrows1 gp (pound)A barrel full of identical basic arrows, sold by the pound.
Backpack2 gpA line of basic traveling backpacks. Each can hold 1 cubic foot/30 pounds of gear.
Bedroll1 gpBasic comfortable traveling bedrolls.
Ball Bearings1 sp (100)Action: Scatter ball bearings in a 10ft square. Creatures crossing must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity save or fall prone. Moving half speed avoids the need for save.
Barrel2 gpA barrel that can hold 40 gallons of liquid, or 4 cubic feet of solid material.
Barding, Padded20 gpMount armor offering 11+dex AC and disadvantage on stealth
Barding, Leather40 gpMount armor offering 11+dex AC
Fishing Equipment, Basic1 spA collection of spooled fishing threads, basic hook types, and feather-mounted floating wooden spheres
Basket4 spA basket that can hold 2 cubic feet/40 pounds of gear.
Bit & Bridle2 gpBasic equipment used to direct a mount.
Blanket5 spA warm and comfortable quilted blanket well suited for cold weather.
Weapons, SimpleVariousA selection of basic Simple weaponry set at standard pricing. See your chosen book for stats/pricing.
Book25gpA selection of basic adventuring books that teach the reader new survival and perception-based skills.
Boots, Leather5 spA basic pair of adventurer-sturdy boots in various sizes.
Bottle, Glass2 gpA bottle that can hold 1 1/2 pints of liquid.
Bucket, Wood5 cpA wooden bucket that can hold 3 gallons of liquid, or 1/2 cubic foot of solid material.
Caltrops1gp (20)Action: Scatter caltrops in a 5ft square. Creatures entering must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity save or stop, take 1 piercing damage, and have movement reduced by 10ft until healed. Moving half-speed avoids the need for save.
Candle1 cp1 hour: Bright light (5ft) & dim light (5ft)
Carpenter’s Tools8 gpA set of basic carpentry tools that should assist in most common wood-based construction projects.
Cart (Second-hand)10 gpMr Wilbur’s used cart that he will only part with if the customer’s need is greater than his own.
Cartographer’s Tools15 gpTools to assist you with all your cartography needs.
Gemstones1gp – 1000gpA large variety of gemstones ranging between 1gp – 1000gp in value. The more expensive of these are only lightly stocked.
Chest5 gpA chest that can hold 12 cubic feet/ 300 pounds of gear.
Climber’s Kit25 gp Includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. Allows for vertical ascension. Action: Anchor yourself. Limits fall distance & climbing range to 25ft.
Clothes, Common5 spBasic unfitted loose cotton clothing, with cloth wrappings for shoes. Better than being naked.
Clothes, Traveler’s2 gpSturdy boots, wool bottoms, a thick cotton shirt with a jacket, and a hooded cloak. Suitable for adventures in temperate or warm climates.
Clothes, Cold Weather10 gpWool-insulated leather boots with waterproofing, thick leather & wool pants or skirt, undershirt, overshirt, wool lined thick jacket with hood. Suitable for snowy and well below freezing temperatures.
Cook’s Utensils1 gpA selection of basic cooking utensils for outdoor and fireside food preparation.
Crowbar2 gpA heavy metal tool granting advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied.
Dungeoneer’s Pack12 gpIncludes a backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
Explorer’s Pack10 gpIncludes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
Feed, Animal5 cp (10 lbs)Roughly a day’s worth of animal feed for the average sized mount.
Grappling Hook2 gpWhen tied to the end of a rope, a grappling hook can secure the rope to a battlement, window ledge, tree limb, or other protrusion.
Gunpowder35 gp (gunpowder horn)Explodes (fire): 3d6 (horn)/7d6 (keg) damage (Dex save halves) within 10ft.
Ounce flares (action): Bright light (30ft) & dim light (30ft) for 1 round.
Hammer1 gp (mallet) 2gp (sledge)Small hammers useful for pounding pitons and large hammers useful for the destruction of property.
Herbalism Kit5 gpA kit containing a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions.
Hunting Trap5 gpHidden pressure plate triggers sawtooth jaws (Dex save or 1d4 piercing + immobilized). Escape: DC 13 Strength check (repeat on fail for 1d4 damage).
Jug or Pitcher2 cpA jug or pitcher can hold 1 gallon of liquid.
Lamp5 spBright light (15ft) & dim light (30ft) for 6 hours per flask of oil.
Lantern, Hooded5 gpBright light (30ft) & dim light (30ft) for 6 hours per flask of oil. Action: Reduce light to dim light (5ft radius).
Manacles2 gpUsed to restrain small/medium creature (Dex save DC20). Escape: Dex save DC20 or Strength check DC20/Thieves’ tools DC15. The manacles have 15 HP.
Mess Kit2 spThis tin box contains a cup and simple cutlery. The box clamps together, and one side can be used as a cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl.
Mirror, Steel5 gpA steel mirror generally used for inspecting hidden areas, signaling allies, or checking appearance.
Monster Hunter’s Pack33 gpIncludes a chest, a crowbar, a hammer, three wooden stakes, a holy symbol, a flask of holy water, a set of manacles, a steel mirror, a flask of oil, a tinderbox, and 3 torches.
Oil, Flask1 spAction: Throw or splash (attack roll). Hit = coated in oil. Fire damage ignites oil (extra 5 fire damage). Action: Pour on ground (5ft square). Lit oil burns 2 rounds (5 fire damage/turn).
Parchment, One Sheet1 spA sheet of parchment is a piece of goat hide or sheepskin that has been prepared for writing on.
Pick, Miner’s2 gpA miner’s pick is designed to concentrate the force of its blow on a small area.
Piton5 cpWhen a wall doesn’t offer handholds and footholds, you can make your own. A piton is a steel spike with an eye through which you can loop a rope.
Pole, 10-foot5 cpWhen you suspect a trap, you can put the end of your 10-foot pole through that hole in the wall instead of reaching in with your hand.
Pouch5 spA cloth or leather pouch can hold 1/5 cubic foot/ 6 pounds of gear – or up to 20 sling bullets or 50 blowgun needles, among other things.
Quiver1 gpA quiver that can hold up to 20 arrows.
Rations5 sp2lbs of decent quality rations good for one day of travel. Consists of cured meat, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. Vegetarian option available.
Rope, Hempen1 gpA rope with 2 hit points, can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check.
Rope, Silk10 gpA lightweight rope with 2 hit points, can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check.
Sack1 cpA burlap sack that can hold 1 cubic foot/ 30 pounds of gear.
Shovel2 gpA standard shovel used for digging.
Soap2 cpA luxury item to assist in bathing.
Spyglass100 gpObjects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size.
Thieve’s Tools25 gpThis set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers.
Tinder Box5 spThis small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. Using it to light a torch — or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel — takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute.
Torch1 cp1 hour: Bright light (20ft) & dim light (20ft). Melee hit deals 1 fire damage.
Vial1 gpA delicate but easily sterilized vial that can hold 4 ounces of liquid.
Waterskin2 spA delicate but easily sterilized vial that can hold 4 ounces of liquid.
Various Miniscule Items1 cpBoxes containing small but useful items such as string, buttons, needles, glues, and other nicknacks.
I’ve included many common items here for your convenience, but feel free to include even more from your chosen TTRPG book!

Gameplay Tips

Try not to make it too tedious for players to buy common goods: Keep shopping for common goods quick and easy. Reserve the challenge for rare items (diamonds, endgame potions, etc.) and difficult locations (like the Underdark), where all supplies might be scarce.

Add limits to the inventory: Mr. Wilbur’s stock isn’t unlimited. If players request unrealistic quantities, have him apologize and offer to order more. For expensive or rare items, he likely only has one in stock.

It is not a magical item shop: This shop focuses on everyday supplies and adventuring gear, not magic. While enchanted items are unlikely, perhaps a few have found their way into Mr. Wilbur’s inventory… unbeknownst to him, of course.


This article provides a detailed environment you can either use as is, adapt to your campaign, or simply draw inspiration from. Feel free to pick and choose the elements you like, discard those that don’t fit, and even use the free map and tokens to create your own unique story.

I’m sure that you can find a use for this General Store in your game, we hope you’ll share your story in the comments below. 🙂


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Mr Wilbur - Shopkeep
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About the author


I help Ross with a chunk of the background work so he has more time for the part he loves, the artwork! When I'm not doing that, I'm working on my own maps & articles to assist you in your worldbuilding. :)

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