Bits and Bugs, Part 1: Bugs in the System – Treasure Bug Encounter for D&D 5e

An 1st-level+ encounter with “thingsects” – insect mimics – inside a fully mapped, many-roomed bank!

Bits and Bugs, Part 1: Bugs in the System – Treasure Bug Encounter for D&D 5e

The Royal Bank Battle Map

This impenetrable fortress of treasure is the perfect stage for a classic heist. A labyrinth of wealth awaits those daring enough to test its defenses…

The Royal Bank Battle Map

The Royal Castle by Tobias

Today we show off a HUGE Community Spotlight boasting 18(!) maps featuring the various areas and states of a royal castle, designed for the heist of a lifetime!

The Royal Castle by Tobias

The Dwarven Vault Dungeon Map

How to download and run my 32×44 dungeon, the Dwarven Vault, which features a series of valves that lower the lava and open new doors…

The Dwarven Vault Dungeon Map

From Shards of Starlight – Encounter & Magic Items for D&D 5E

An encounter with otherworldly beings in the crater of a fallen star, with magic items to craft from its crystals.

From Shards of Starlight – Encounter & Magic Items for D&D 5E

Into the Bramblejade, Part 3

A hive of blighted ettercaps awaits in the crypt. Can the party survive the blighted monsters, steal their eggs, and make it back to town?

Into the Bramblejade, Part 3

Treasure Hoard Map Assets

A square keep in the norman style split into seven different layers and many more rooms. An excellent stronghold for player characters and baddies alike.

Treasure Hoard Map Assets