This bustling battle map is free to download here, once again thanks to our many Patreon supporters!
This is a great map for encouraging your players to think creatively, as they’ll never be more than a move action away from some interesting environmental weapon to use. Casters should also beware using area-effecting spells, as there’s plenty of valuables to destroy and people to set fire to!
I imagine some interesting encounters going down on this map. Please share your stories and ideas in the comment section!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, thanks to our generous supporters. If you would like to use this map commercially, please contact me 🙂
Special thanks to:
Owen Eli Cook, Matthew Southall, David Binette, Patrick O’Hagan, Simon Lawes, Bernard Howell, Michael Scartaccini, Michael Pace, Andreas Pagitz, Sam Wise, Mark, Joe Needles @Hi_Average_Joe, Dantemagnum, Nicholas O’Sullivan, Brian Barron, DawnforgedCast @DawnforgedCast, PrintableHeroes @PrintableHeroes, Trung Duong @trungrunt, Jeff Sorensen, Michael Reading, David Parks, Seung Park, D. Hunt @CanjeStudios, Javier Tellez, Shards The Game, Charles Harris, Jason Oliver, Ahria Rose-Klarenbeek, Matt Martin @orcboss, Ryan Littlefield, charliefewsmith, William Hamilton, Adam Brennan @FishIsTwonk, Ron, The one who Wasps, Michael Wayne Berube II, Peter Saumur @Stitched, Gilwainmok, Sam Jordan, Violet, Cansin Akcasoy, Sean Connelly, Bruno Jutras, Joshua Renz, Stephanie Novak, Ingjald Pilskog, James Ball, Jack Rayner, John Stone, Matthew Gillett
These 2-Minute Maps come with several grid and color options (even more than pictured above) with printable PDFs and virtual table top JPGs all included.
If you are a $1+ supporter on Patreon (thank you!) you can download your exclusive nighttime variant here.