Boo! Did I surprise you with another map so soon? So that you can have the whole estate before Halloween (and because I’m going away tomorrow) I’m here with the final piece of our spooky October project…
This is the Haunted Garden, which attaches seamlessly to the bottom edge of the Haunted Cellar. As you can see, it features a tall wall (with convenient tree overhang), a fetid water feature, and a statue garden (which definitely aren’t possessed).
With this map, the Haunted Estate set is complete! I’d love to hear about your plans for it in the comments, so please share. 🙂
I have to say, I’m looking forward to getting back to some more vibrant maps next month. Till then, I’m going on a short trip starting tomorrow. See you later!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, thanks to our generous supporters. If you would like to use this map commercially, please contact me 🙂
This garden is free to download thanks to Patreon supporters such as:
Owen Eli Cook, Nicholas O’Sullivan, Sam Wise, Jain Deaux, Dantemagnum, Matt C. @mc_momo, Brian Barron, dmslayer, Chris Logan, Cansin Akcasoy, James Ball, Joshua Renz, Austin Auclair, Felix Jongleur, Stephon Mikell, eddy zrout, Sam Mean Man, HÃ¥kon Eirik Grønlien, Rickard Thernlund, Julien Therrien, Wilhelm Lehnhardt @3mporio, Ronin, Edwin Bryer, Poptard, Ty Hajduk, Tyler Crompton, Tyrian @its_tyrian, FreedomXIII, RoninDude, Capela, Ryan, Tiana, Dawnbright., Jake Raiju, Jeanette OB, Danny Mendoza @dannyrmendoza, Joel Quadko McIntyre, Peter Fox, Tad Bumcrot, Bruce McDonald, evilhomer10 @evilhomer10, Allin Knight, Justin Hunter, RiddleJacks, Caleb Longshanks Lee, Jonathan Petersen, Stephen Perkins, Jamieson Mockel, Calvin Clark, Zachary Robinson, Robert Cater, Ian Sheridan @iansheridan, Maciej Stachowiak, Arcknight @arcknightgames, LeK’s Play @leksplay00, Jordan Baker, Dustin K. Miller @geonerd, Justin Foster, Maxime Durocher, Aidan G, Michael Leimenmeier, Taylor Worthington, Nick Fraker @ikaruwa, Benjamin Busseniers, Elliott Uribe, Steffen Bensch, Annie, Ievgen Kharabet, soren, Wim, Joe Brooks, Daniel Kolev, Bill Underwood, Dylan Bender, Mike Elston, Seyren Windsor, TheAussieBrit, Clay, Daniel, oceanicsurvivor, Ian Rawley, Blair, Jonathan Climas, Weekendswitch, Derick Lachance, Gray, Ardis Ramey, Adam Astra, Agnieszka Kaniewska, Broc Abrams, Hayden Walker, Brandon, Kyle Sternad, YUM-O, Berringer, Lewis Payea, Andrew Smith, Morten Sunde, Nathaniel Hodges, and all my other wonderful Patrons!
Hello! Do you have any assets that we can use like the hedge, to make a hedge maze? Thank you!
Hmm, not yet I’m afraid!