Stretching out over a turbulent sea is this rain-washed precipice, the pivotal site of all those stories they tell in town…

I’ve been working on this map alongside a 8×8″ lighthouse set piece which you will be seeing very soon. Though the precipice is designed to hold the lighthouse dramatically over the sea, you can put just about anything in its place.
Perhaps the precipice is bare, and the site where certain folk would commune with things Old. Maybe there is an ancient teleportation circle etched into the stone, coveted by a certain mad mage. It could be that leaping from this cliff plummets a creature into the water plane.
Whatever you come up with, plot hooks or encounter ideas, please share them in the comments!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, thanks to our generous supporters. If you would like to use this map commercially, please contact me 🙂
This dangerous cliff is free to download thanks to Patrons such as:
Owen Eli Cook, Patrick O’Hagan, Nicholas O’Sullivan, Jain Deaux, Matt C. @mc_momo, Sam Wise, dmslayer, Chris Logan, Felix Jongleur, Stephon Mikell, Joel McKinnon @joeliemckinnon, Dantemagnum, Ronin, Edwin Bryer, Brian Barron, Ty Hajduk, Jeanette OB, Joel Quadko McIntyre, Cansin Akcasoy, James Ball, Joshua Renz, Austin Auclair, Sam Mean Man, evilhomer10 @evilhomer10, eddy zrout, Jeff Sorensen @DelugeIA, Ian Sheridan @iansheridan, Rickard Thernlund, Maciej Stachowiak, Wilhelm Lehnhardt @3mporio, Julien Therrien, Matthew Kammes, Poptard, Maxime Durocher, Michael Leimenmeier, Tyler Crompton, m00am, Nick Fraker @ikaruwa, FreedomXIII, RoninDude, Tiana, Dawnbright., Jake Raiju, Elliott Uribe, Steffen Bensch, Tad Bumcrot, soren, Bruce McDonald, Allin Knight, Justin Hunter, Hugh, Dylan Bender, Caleb Longshanks Lee, Jonathan Petersen, Sheila Motter-Schuk, taylor eubanks, TheAussieBrit, Stephen Perkins, Jamieson Mockel, Calvin Clark, Clay, Brandon, Arcknight @arcknightgames, Jordan Baker, Justin Foster, Berringer, Amanda Fensch, Miles Grubbs, Aidan G, Jørund Skarvang Olsen, Taylor Worthington, Amber Learmonth, Cristhian Vargas, Jesse Bethke, Benjamin Busseniers, Kristina Coker, Jonathan Streeter, Wim, Joe Brooks, Daniel Kolev, Bill Underwood, Mike Elston, Zavier Aguila, Seyren Windsor, James Kerr, Jonathan Marlow, Michael Greenly, Brandon Thompson, Ian Rawley, Blair, Broc Abrams, Kyle Sternad, YUM-O, Lewis Payea, Andrew Smith, Morten Sunde, Mariana Hernandez @marianahernz, Reggie Smith @TheFifthsWord, Nathaniel Hodges, Zach Perez, Serf, nodworthy, James Doutney, Jim Powers, RupertG @diceofdoom, Trent Orme, Patrick Flanagan, Aryavie @lyriael, Austin Whynot, John Feiler, Carlin Kubenka, Jessica Bonham, Echo Hatcher @echosgecko, CreativeSigma, James MacKenzie, Ezzerharden @EZZERHARDEN, Renan Vinicius Poyer, Anthony Bucyk, Bunnnnnn, starweaver, Nick te Velde, Anthony Yos, Apollo, Sebastian Roberts, Luke Partridge, sinj, Noelle, Mats Bremer, Chris Lee, Dude Man, Kate Randazzo, Christopher Bjork @What, Steven Remington, Malcolm Wolter, Nhilah, Arcane Toaster, Elena Bolton, and all my other wonderful Patrons!