Your roadside encounters will never look the same twice, with this collection of forest-themed tokens!
These are designed to pair with the seamlessly tiling grass and road tiles to create a map-collage such as the demo map pictured below. You can also use them to supplement the rest of our Roadside Collection!
The easiest way to create your own map will be with Photoshop or Gimp, by starting with a grassy canvas and dropping in the tokens one by one. Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop them straight into Roll20, which has the benefit of being able to delete, move, or change transparencies on the fly!
Please share your creations with me on Twitter or Facebook, I’d love to see what you cook up!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, thanks to our generous supporters. If you would like to use this map commercially, please contact me 🙂
These forest tokens are FREE thanks to Patreon supporters such as:
Owen Eli Cook, Jackobi Forsyth, Patrick O’Hagan, Nicholas O’Sullivan, Joe Needles @Hi_Average_Joe, Sam Wise, Bernard Howell, Dantemagnum, Brian Barron, Shawn park, Jeff Sorensen @DelugeIA, Ryan Littlefield, charliefewsmith, Cansin Akcasoy, James Ball, Joshua Renz, Austin Auclair, Glenn, superducky, FableButt @FableButt, eddy zrout, Rhea, Jain Deaux, Matthew Kammes, HÃ¥kon Eirik Grønlien, Julien Therrien, Wilhelm Lehnhardt @3mporio, m00am, Holger Anderson, Poptard, Mladen S., Connor Scott, Tyler Crompton, Stephen Bowyer, FreedomXIII, RoninDude, Tiana, Dawnbright., Joel McKinnon @joeliemckinnon, Jake Raiju, Jeffrey, Michael R Lynch, Peter Fox, Tad Bumcrot, evilhomer10 @evilhomer10, spookyrumba @spookyrumba, Bruce McDonald, Allin Knight, Charlie Crea, Michael Snow, Jesper Ohlsson, Justin Hunter, Matt C. @mc_momo, Adrian Xavier, Maps-4-Snacks, Tyrian @its_tyrian, Jonathan Petersen, drag drag, Brittany Cole, Anthony Patterson, Geoffrey Ingenbleek, Jens Nielsen, Matt Carroll, Jamieson Mockel, Calvin Clark, Zachary Robinson, David Mckinley, Stephen Perkins, Samantha Russell, Adam Baird, dmslayer, Chris Logan, Derrick C Hamilton, Colin Chen, Dakota Ball, Arcknight, Jordan Baker, Mitchell Probert, Miles Grubbs, LeK’s Play @leksplay00, Daniel Gass, and all my other wonderful Patrons!