Fifty-one dungeon trap tokens, ready for your table top, in virtual and printable formats!

Dungeon Trap Tokens, banner


These tokens range from mildly annoying ball-bearings to character-slaying ball-bearing-boulders, as well as more interesting things such as acid pits, Lovecraftian growths, and all manner of spikes and blades. Your modular dungeons just got a whole lot more interesting!

Let us know in the comments what your favorite dungeon trap to date is. Exercise that sadistic creativity!




Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, thanks to our generous supporters. If you would like to use this map commercially, please contact me 🙂

These trap tokens are free to use thanks to Patreon supporters such as:

Owen Eli Cook, Jackobi Forsyth, Patrick O’Hagan, Nicholas O’Sullivan, Joe Needles @Hi_Average_Joe, Michael Pace, Sam Wise, Bernard Howell, Dantemagnum, Brian Barron, Jain Deaux, Shawn park, Ryan Littlefield, charliefewsmith, Jeff Sorensen @DelugeIA, Cansin Akcasoy, James Ball, Joshua Renz, Austin Auclair, Glenn, superducky, eddy zrout, Rhea, HÃ¥kon Eirik Grønlien, Matthew Kammes, Rickard Thernlund, Julien Therrien, Wilhelm Lehnhardt @3mporio, Poptard, m00am, Holger Anderson, Matt C. @mc_momo, Adrian Xavier, Tyler Crompton, FreedomXIII, RoninDude, Tiana, Dawnbright., Joel McKinnon @joeliemckinnon, Jake Raiju, dmslayer, Ben Capel, Jeffrey, Peter Fox, Tad Bumcrot, evilhomer10 @evilhomer10, Michael R Lynch, spookyrumba @spookyrumba, Chris Logan, Bruce McDonald, Allin Knight, Charlie Crea, Camilla Greer, Justin Hunter, Maps-4-Snacks, Tyrian @its_tyrian, Jonathan Petersen, drag drag, Brittany Cole, Geoffrey Ingenbleek, Stephen Perkins, Jamieson Mockel, Calvin Clark, Zachary Robinson, David Mckinley, Felix Jongleur, Stephon Mikell, Cory Trego-Erdner, Jens Nielsen, Brett Mahkasad’ Green, Colin Chen, Arcknight @arcknightgames, LeK’s Play @leksplay00, Daniel Gass, Jordan Baker, Miles Grubbs, Sam Mean Man, Justin Foster, Euphonetics, Alec Kerr, yumpy @yumpyboi, Todd Azbill, tim paul, Jonathan Climas, Aidan G, Ronin, Cormac Mills Ritchard, Ty Hajduk, Kris Edgar, Edwin Bryer, Linus Falck-Ytter, Charlie @Linaxtic, Dan, Owen Nash @OwenNash, Josh cornett, Idalys Spear, Brandin Mader, Isaac, Evan Carothers, A. Vartiainen, Dire Bear Adventuring Company @DireBearAC, Taylor Worthington, and all my other wonderful Patrons!




About the author

Ross McConnell

DM, aspiring artist, and founder of 2-Minute Tabletop! I love drawing, writing, and worldbuilding, and this is the website where all of it comes together.

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Published: March 30, 2018
Tagged: battle map, blog

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