Bits and Bugs, Part 1: Bugs in the System – Treasure Bug Encounter for D&D 5eAn 1st-level+ encounter with “thingsects” – insect mimics – inside a fully mapped, many-roomed bank! Bits and Bugs, Part 1: Bugs in the System – Treasure Bug Encounter for D&D 5e
A New ‘Desert’ Variant for our Infested Crypt MapA crypt is hidden beneath the desert sands, and something sinister skitters within… A session-sized, 22×16 desert dungeon map with a twist. A New ‘Desert’ Variant for our Infested Crypt Map
A Colony, Contaminated – Ankheg Forest & Cave Encounter for D&D 5EA colony of ankheg have been attacking the local woodcutters. But what has caused their aggression and can the party solve the problem? A Colony, Contaminated – Ankheg Forest & Cave Encounter for D&D 5E
Into the Bramblejade, Part 3A hive of blighted ettercaps awaits in the crypt. Can the party survive the blighted monsters, steal their eggs, and make it back to town? Into the Bramblejade, Part 3
The Meadow Ruins – Encounter & Battle MapA 22×16″ printable and digital battle map paired with a custom-made gnoll encounter. Created by Ross & Troy McConnell and free thanks to our Patrons! The Meadow Ruins – Encounter & Battle Map
The Infested Crypt – Adventure & Battle MapA free 22×16″ Infested Crypt battle map (ready for print or virtual tabletop) and a short adventure to accompany it, A Favor for Gallen. The Infested Crypt – Adventure & Battle Map