10 More Underground Encounters

A shifting of stone freezes the adventuring party. They cluster together, backs pressed and eyes scanning for any signs of movement. But the cavern extends far beyond their light. They flinch and twitch at the sounds of scratching beyond the darkness, waiting for whatever might leap out. Clawed footsteps skitter in circles around them. And

10 More Underground Encounters

10 Cave Encounters

The shadows pressed down like weighted yokes, filled with the dusty age of untouched caverns. Thick, damp air clouded the party’s lungs as they clung to the light of their torches. Their eyes flashed across the cave walls, mistaking shadows and rock formations for all manner of monsters. But they could not hope to see

10 Cave Encounters

10 Kobold Encounters

A distant skittering echoes through the cave. Small, clawed footsteps guide the travelers as they move deeper, huddled in the temperamental light of a single torch. The creatures they were pursuing were encouragingly small and nonthreatening. Their confidence dropped like stones in their stomachs when the skittering turned to chuckles. The snap of a breaking

10 Kobold Encounters

10 Goblin Encounters

Trees and shrubs surround the party as they travel, imprisoning them in forest walls. The odd chirp or rustling sees the travelers pivoting to respond, their weapons drawn. But, despite their anxiety, nothing attacks. They travel on, slowly growing comfortable with the nearby movement. Darkening skies force them to make camp in a clearing, setting

10 Goblin Encounters

10 More Jungle Encounters

Miles of tangled plants stretch in every direction. Moisture fills the thick air. Every sound, every rustled leaf or rippled pond, could be another threat, camouflaged but watching. The jungle itself is hunting them. But the party must press on. They must face whatever lurks after them. They must survive. As our jungle map releases

10 More Jungle Encounters

10 Encounters in the Jungle

Spiders, plants, leeches, and undead all await your players. Our first 10 jungle encounters are perfect for learning how to challenge and engage your party.

10 Encounters in the Jungle

10 More Desert Encounters

Dry lips. Red, burning skin. Eyes straining against the waves of blinding heat. The desert drains the strength of those courageous or foolish enough to cross it. Even without the monsters they had faced, the adventurers would still be struggling for survival. The sands stretch on before them, dunes forming the horizon. How much further

10 More Desert Encounters

10 Encounters in the Desert

The sands burn like fire, whipped up by swirling winds. Each day, the dunes shift and change into what could be mistaken for a new landscape. This place, these deserts, seem to possess a hunger for those that brave their blistering fields. One must survive both the heat of the sun and the dangers that

10 Encounters in the Desert

10 More Scary Encounters

10 scary, Halloween-themed encounters for your next tabletop gaming session. Killer birds, monstrous fish, and murderous old ladies await your players.

10 More Scary Encounters