A New ‘Desert’ Variant for our Infested Crypt Map

A crypt is hidden beneath the desert sands, and something sinister skitters within… A session-sized, 22×16 desert dungeon map with a twist.

A New ‘Desert’ Variant for our Infested Crypt Map

Into the Bramblejade, Part 3

A hive of blighted ettercaps awaits in the crypt. Can the party survive the blighted monsters, steal their eggs, and make it back to town?

Into the Bramblejade, Part 3

The Meadow Ruins – Encounter & Battle Map

A 22×16″ printable and digital battle map paired with a custom-made gnoll encounter. Created by Ross & Troy McConnell and free thanks to our Patrons!

The Meadow Ruins – Encounter & Battle Map

The Infested Crypt – Adventure & Battle Map

A free 22×16″ Infested Crypt battle map (ready for print or virtual tabletop) and a short adventure to accompany it, A Favor for Gallen.

The Infested Crypt – Adventure & Battle Map