This Patron Pack contains content that was originally created as rewards for our patrons, but is also made available here as a one-off purchase by popular request. Inside you will find:
- 200 map assets depicting floor textures, walls, doors, stairs, and other essentials.
- 4 battle maps, each with day, night, and unfurnished map variants:
- Badger Den. A group of ruffians are squatting in an abandoned building.
- Bunkhouse. A long building that sleeps 24 people… And smells like it.
- Noble Cottage. A small residence comfortably decorated with expensive cushions and books.
- Witch Hut. An octagonal hut with central cauldron and a messy collection of nefarious goods.
The map assets come packaged as:
- Dungeondraft packs – See our Dungeondraft guide for more information.
- 72 DPI versions optimized for virtual tabletops.
- 300 DPI versions designed for print.
The battle maps come packaged as:
- 72 DPI JPGs designed for virtual tabletops such as Roll20 and Foundry VTT.
- 300 DPI JPGs designed to print with almost any hardware.
Refer to our Printing Guide for instructions and more information.