Do your previous orders seem to be missing content described on the gallery, such as our new Dungeondraft packs in particular? It’s likely that your download link email is outdated and that content has been moved to its own download file.
If you have an account, you can access your updated list of download links right now from your Downloads page, which should be updated to include any new files you might have access to.
Don’t have an account yet? You can create one here and, if you use the same email address as you used when previously checking out, you will find all of your old orders synced to your new account when you complete the sign-up process.
If your order is not appearing on your account, or you would prefer not to create one at all, then please contact us and we’ll send you a new downloads email as soon as we can. If you have it handy, please include your order number. Thank you sincerely for your patience.