Likely solutions
Have you placed an order but you have not received the email containing your download links?
In most cases, your email is simply hiding in your spam box. Due to the size and repetitive format of our download email some email platforms will tag them as such. You should find them in your spam box, or you may try searching your entire inbox for “2-Minute Tabletop”.
Rarely a queue may form on our end and your email may take a few minutes to be sent. Please wait about 30 minutes to ensure that this isn’t the issue.
In very rare cases your email may get stuck so, if you suspect this is the case, please reach out to me with the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible! While you wait, the following instructions may help you access your download links immediately…
Access your downloads immediately on-site
You might consider creating an account on my website, after which you will be able to download all of your claimed maps from your Downloads dashboard.
If you use the same email address as the one you previously used to checkout then all of your old orders will be automatically linked to your new account and you can get to downloading them right away! If you’d like to get started, you can register here.